Process timing

Marking process start, end and duration

Looks like this will be a topic discussed at upcomming US2TS meeting???

Process timing can be abstractly conveyed via the dependencies established between processes using has specified input and has specified output. However, for experimental protocols, plans, or in observed results it may be necessary to indicate specific start and end times and process durations.


  • Do we allow is duration of (subproperty of is about) for start, end and duration? Do we make them qualities (e.g. birth date = (date process started and quality of mammal …) and then use has quality relation?
    • Do we allow these dates to have date process started has xsd:dateTime value yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss?
    • if process start date and end date are datums, then shouldn’t age be as well? Datum is duration of entity if datum is a time measurement datum that is a duration of a process. This also inludes links to the date process started or process end date datetime value of a process (in that case the duration about the reference calendar start to the given start or ending timepoint.)